David Vostell | Solid | CD | 2013                                                    
                      David Vostell | My mind | 2 CD | 2012                 

 David Vostell | Room | 2 CD | 2011
David Vostell | Serotonin | 2 CD | 2010
 David Vostell | Voyage - human body | 2 CD | 2009
David Vostell | EEM | 2 CD | 2008

David Vostell | Influences | 2 CD | 2007
David Vostell | The Universe is Music | Soundtrack | 2 CD | 2006
 David Vostell | Formulas of Life | 3 CD | 2005
 David Vostell | Symphony No. 1 & 2 | 4 CD | 2003 - 2004

Film | Video | Music

Room | 2011 | digital photomontages | digitale Fotocollagen | collages fotográficos digitales 

David Vostell | Film | Video | Music | Links:

1975:  Fandango, documentary film
1975:  Fandango, photography
1976:  Holidays 1968 - 1976, Super 8, short films  vimeo.com/5536356
1976:  Martilandrán, photography
1976:  Acehúchephotography
1976:  Ceclavinphotography
1976:  Creation of a sculpturephotography
1976:  Rain, photography
1976:  Bundtschuh, photography
1977:  The House of the Deaf Man, photography
1978:  Wolf Vostell and Salvador Dali in Figueres, photography
1978:  Wolf Vostell painting with models, photography
1978:  Snowingphotography
1979:  36574 Images (ABDS-Film), Super 8, experimental short film  vimeo.com/5115923
1979:  Familienessen, documentary film
1979:  Hamletphotography
1980:  Endogen Depression, documentary film  vimeo.com/138764613
1980:  Endogen Depression, photography
1980:  Citytravels from 1971 - 1980Super 8, short films  vimeo.com/5421000
1981:  Images of Mankind, fotomontages
1981:  Fluxus-Zug, documentary film
1981:  Fluxus-Zug, photography
1981:  Die Phoenizierinnen des Euridipesphotography
1982:  The Portrait, Super 8, documentary film
1982:  E.d.H.R., documentary film   vimeo.com/5125909
1982:  Ginger Hel, short film   vimeo.com/5213092
1982:  Triptychon, 6 tracks, 1 MC  soundcloud.com/dinatestbildtriptychon
1984:  Words on Paper, drawings
1985:  Homo Sapiens, music video   vimeo.com/5359214
1985:  Lost in Life, music video   vimeo.com/5359646
1985:  Tutila, paintings
1985:  Tutila, music video

1985:  She is so nice, music video
1986:  Fluxus-Konzert, Madrid, documentary film
1986:  Die Billard-Mädchen, documentary film
1986:  Die Winde, documentary film
1986:  Cabala Música, music video
1986:  Blue way in, music video   vimeo.com/5359968
1987:  Blood and Cokee, music video   vimeo.com/5891077
1987:  Art et automobile, Montbéliard, documentary film
1987:  Mythos Berlin, documentary film
1988:  The breakfast of Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin, photography
1989:  Coma Amazonica, documentary film   vimeo.com/5626674
1990:  The Being from Earth, feature   vimeo.com/6671357  (Trailer)
1991:  Auto-TV-Wedding, photography
1991:  Bestia Pigra, documentary film  vimeo.com/95292967
1992:  Vostell 60Review 92, documentary film  vimeo.com/146009115
1994:  Familie Vostell Berlin, documentary film
1995:  Atelier Wolf Vostell, documentary film
1996:  Sketchbook 95/96, drawings                               
1998:  Sketchbook 97/98, drawings 
2003:  Symphony no. 1, 2 CDs
2004:  Symphony no. 2, 2 CDs

2005:  Formulas of Life, 24 suites, 3 CDs
2005:  Formulas of Life, 24 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2006:  The Universe is Music, soundtrack, 2 CDs  vimeo.com/6893564
2006:  The Universe is Music, 26 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2007:  Influences, 10 suites, 2 CDs
2007:  Influences, 10 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2008:  EEM Erotic-Enlightenment-Mythologies, 9 suites, 2 CDs
2008:  EEM Erotic-Enlightenment-Mythologies, 9 digital photomontages  

2009:  Voyage inside the human body, soundtrack   vimeo.com/156965900 
2009:  Voyage - human body, 7 suites, 2 CDs
2009:  Voyage - human body, 7 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2009:  Benediction, soundtrack  
2010:  Prélude, soundtrack   
2010:  Serotonin, 10 suites, 2 CDs
2010:  Serotonin, 10 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2011:  Room, 7 suites, 2 CDs
2011:  Room, 7 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2012:  My mind, 13 suites, 2 CDs
2012:  My mind, 13 digital photomontages   typ3zivilisation.blogspot.com
2012:  In Paradisum, soundtrack   vimeo.com/53024963  (Teaser) 
2012:  The Goddess of Rain, soundtrack  
2012:  Valentina, soundtrack  vimeo.com/157284296
2013:  Woman & Nature near Extinction, soundtrack  vimeo.com/112622296  (Teaser)
2013:  Solid, 8 suites, 1 CD
2014:  Lone Ride, 6 tracks, USB flash drive 
2014:  Karma-Base, Volume 1, 9 tracks, USB flash drive  soundcloud.com/karma-base
2014:  Endogen Depression, soundtrack  vimeo.com/146019943 
2014:  L'Uomo (Featurette), soundtrack   
2014:  L'Uomo (Documentary), soundtrack  
2014:  L'Uomosoundtrack  vimeo.com/207640166 (Teaser)
2015:  Vitasoundtrack  vimeo.com/210939952  (Teaser) 
2015:  Cruising at night, soundtrack  vimeo.com/192795331
2015:  Beautiful Earth, soundtrack  vimeo.com/150255267
2015:  Biest,tracks, USB flash drive
2016:  Curse, 3 tracks, USB flash drive
2016:  How Sweet It Is To Love, soundtrack  vimeo.com/232053951
2017:  For yousoundtrack  vimeo.com/233187521
2017:  Vita IIsoundtrack  vimeo.com/233194493  (Teaser) 
2017:  Revenge, 3 tracks, USB flash drive
2018:  Ease, 3 tracks, USB flash drive
2019:  Shine, 3 tracks, USB flash drive
2020:  Glow44, 3 tracks, USB flash drive

Serotonin | 2010 | digital photomontages | digitale Fotocollagen | collages fotográficos digitales

Formulas of  Life | 2005 | digital photomontages | digitale Fotocollagen | collages fotográficos digitales

Enlarge digital photomontages will take about 30 seconds to load!
Die Vergrößerung der digitalen Fotocollagen braucht ca. 30 Sekunden um geladen zu werden!
¡La ampliación de los collages fotográficos digitales tarda unos 30 segundos en cargar!

David Vostell | 2003

 The Being from Earth | 1990

Blue way in | 1986


The Being from Earth | Das Wesen der Erde | El Ser de la Tierra | 1990

Lost in Life | 1985

                 no one to guide me through and day and night without a clue

Ginger Hel | 1982

Words on paper | Worte auf Papier | Palabras sobre papel | 1984

My mind | 2012 | digital photomontages | digitale Fotocollagen | collages fotográficos digitales


Sketch Book 1995 - 1998 | 1998

Isabel Dominguez & David Vostell | Madrid 2010 


                        The Being from Earth | 1990


The Being from Earth | Olaf Bessenbacher | David Vostell | The Being from Earth | 1990 | shooting | Dreharbeiten in Mojave Dessert

David Vostell | Biografía / Recopilación 1978 - 2008 |  Michaela Nolte | 2008

In mehr als drei Jahrzehnten ist bei David Vostell ein Werk entstanden, das in seiner Gesamtheit noch entdeckt werden muss. Wir freuen uns, mit der Biographie von Michaela Nolte, einen Teil dazu beizutragen. Über 1000 Abbildungen und ein essayistisches Portrait geben zum ersten Mal einen retrospektiven Einblick in das vielfältige Schaffen sowie in das Leben und Denken von David Vostell.

Este libro recopila treinta años de trabajo artístico de David Vostell en distintas disciplinas de la creación. Su polifacética obra abarca desde fotografías, dibujos, vídeos musicales, cortometraje y largometraje, collages fotográficos digitales hasta composiciones musicales más recientes. La obra de David Vostell es una búsqueda por el entendimiento de la existencia que desea y requiere una inmersión total...
© nivel 88

ISBN 978-84-612-2941-3

Film | Video | Music

The World of David Vostell 1976 - 2016

You can listen to David Vostell music online:


36574 Bilder | 1979

Influences | 2007 | digital photomontges | digitale Fotocollagen | collages fotográficos digitales

                                                                                 The Being from Earth